3D Animation & Stills for Consumer Products

Photorealistic render of a Kenmore blue and gray vacuum against a white background for product packaging

Why Professional 3D Animation for Consumer Products?

The influence of 3D animation for consumer products is all around us.

Let’s face it, we all want the latest products on the market. Maybe it’s the newest iPhone, Cannon camera, or Fitbit watch.

Either way, we’ve definitely been tempted to drop a couple hundred dollars by seeing what our peers have, or watching that flashy commercial showcasing the features of the latest and greatest device.

Consumer Goods Segment Continues to Grow

The demand for consumer goods steadily expands each year – as does the demand for 3D animation for consumer products. In fact, consumer electronics alone continues to be one of the fastest growing industries in 2019.

In fact, revenue in this segment grew by over $330,000 this year alone. By breaking that number down, the average consumer in the US spends almost $200 a year on new tech. Additionally, consumers are shifting the way they spend money on goods by trying to save and only investing in long-lasting products.

With this in mind, you should definitely start considering 3D animation for products as an option to better market what you offer.

Let Your Product Speak for Itself with 3D Animation

Where does 3D product animation for consumers come in? Well, try to put yourself in the shoes of the average consumer.

Let’s imagine you’re shopping online for a new watch to replace your current one. After doing some research and reading customer reviews, you’ve found three products that you think will work well and fit the bill.

Next, you find each brand’s website and search through their inventory to find the right product. Once you find it, you can see exactly how it would look if you were holding it in your hands.

When shopping for products, it’s important to see exactly what it is you’ll be investing in. A simple image of the product gives consumers a good idea of what it will look like, but more often than not, images can be deceiving. This sets consumers off on the wrong foot if they order a product and the image does not match. In fact, 42% of consumers say they distrust brands because of a negative experience like that.

By contrast, 3D product animation can really show off all the details of your product. Every layer, texture, material, and spec can be zoomed in, animated, and lit in a way that shows off exactly what your customers need to see.

Use 3D Animation for Your Products & Build Credibility Around Your Brand!

To build trust around your brand, you need to invest in displaying products from multiple angles with 3D stills and animation to show how they work. This allows your customers to understand all the layers, colors, materials, functionality, etc., of your products!

  • Build a catalog. Start by building a catalog with high-quality 3D product imagery that illustrates each item in the best light possible.
  • Use imagery with multiple angles. Now, provide photos with multiple angles and supplement it with an accurate description of how your product works. You can even use these images to provide high-quality packaging when shipping your products.

Let FUSE Animation help you build your 3D animation product catalog with quality imagery that makes your brand stand out!

Womens white IFIT watch with gold

Professional Product CGI To Make Your Products Stand Out

Product CGI (or product computer-generated imagery) can be a great way to solve any issues you may have of displaying your consumer products from every angle. CGI is a powerful tool in the world of marketing and product visualization.

One of the best benefits of product CGI is it’s capability to provide a 360-degree view of the product, allowing customers to explore it from various angles and perspectives. This immersive experience helps bridge the gap between the physical and digital realms, enabling potential buyers to examine the product as if they were holding it in their hands. This level of detail can be especially vital for online retailers, as it enhances the customer’s confidence in making an informed purchase decision.

With product CGI at our animation studio, there’s no need to schedule a photoshoot or even have the product production-ready. Please contact our skilled product CGI team to discuss your next animation project for your products!

Say Goodbye to Visual Challenges with 3D Animation for Products!

Lastly, 3D product models are the perfect solution for creating otherwise impossible visuals. Read more here about why you should consider 3D rendering for your next project.

Example: Fender Earbuds

For example, you can create a video outlining new features without the installer blocking the camera. Using highly detailed animations, you can pull apart a product, such as a pair of earbuds watch to show off its specs.

This allows for customers to see each layer and feature of the watch in a way that would be impossible with any other form of visual, such as photography or videography. Using product CGI ultimately impresses customers by illustrating what makes your product better than the rest.

Check out our work on the Fender earbuds to get an idea of what our team can do! We are the 3D product rendering experts:

Related: Guide to the Best 3D VFX Software

3D Product Animation FAQs

Here are some common FAQs asked about 3D animation for products:

What is 3D product animation?

3D product animation is a digital technique the team at FUSE uses to create visually engaging representations of consumer products. It involves using CGI to bring products to life, allowing viewers to see them from various angles, in motion, and sometimes even in interactive simulations. This technology offers a 3D, immersive experience that’s the perfect solution for marketing and product demonstrations.

How to make 3D product animation?

Creating 3D product animations involves several steps: 1.) our team will reach out to you for a 3D model of the product from your existing CAD files, or will create one ourselves, which can be created using 3D modeling software. 2.) We can then utilize animation software to add motion and visual effects to the model. 3.) Lastly, we can use 3D rendering software for businesses software to produce the final high-quality video, image sequence, or stills.

Which software to use for product animation?

Several software options are available for creating 3D product animations. Popular choices in the 3D product animation industry include Autodesk Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D, and 3ds Max for 3D modeling and animation. For rendering, programs like V-Ray and KeyShot are widely used to achieve realistic visuals. Additionally, Adobe After Effects and Autodesk Fusion 360 are suitable for compositing, special effects, and post-production work.

How much does 3D animation cost?

The cost of your 3D animation product work with your animation company will vary depending on a number of factors. These include: 1.) the complexity of the project, 2.) the quality of the animation, and 3.) the software your animation team uses. Simple 3D animations can start at a few hundred dollars, while highly detailed and intricate animations for advertising or entertainment purposes can cost thousands. It’s essential to define your project’s scope, objectives, and budget constraints. The cost will also be influenced by factors like the length of the animation, and any additional features or special effects required.

Contact FUSE Animation for 3D Product Animation

Ready to improve your marketing strategy and boost sales? When it comes to 3D animation for products, look no further than FUSE. Our experts each have years of experience creating product 3D animation and stills for a wide variety of products. From watches, to headphones, to furniture, we’ve handled just about every product from every industry!

Contact our team for professional 3D product animation, stills, interactive graphics, visual effects, and CGI work. Whether for a tradeshow, or for online marketing, let FUSE help you create 3D animations and stills you’ll be proud of.

Impress your customers and improve your sales by partnering with FUSE today!

Let our commercial animation studio help you with your product 3D animation and stills
to bring your consumer products to life!